Building Progress

PHASE 1: Because of the faithfulness and generosity of our church family we were able to fully pay off our land in 2022. To God be the glory!

PHASE 2: We have acquired our construction loan. We are excited to partner with Hewitt Development to build our future church home. Estimated completion date is 2025. We hope to be in our new building by spring of 2025.

Once again we turn to you to financially help. Whether your gift is big or small, it helps us to reach our goal.  Your gift is an eternal investment in the lives of others. 

Click on the GIVE tab above to give your tax-deductible gift.  Or you may contribute by:

• Mail: send your building fund gift to Crosspointe Church of Lexington P.O. Box 2082, Lexington, SC 29071

• In person: When you are present in one of our worship services give your gift to the building fund. 

Thank you, as always, for your continued financial support to our ministry.  

With gratitude,
Reynold Williams, Pastor
Crosspointe Church of Lexington

New Location

Crosspointe Church is happy to announce that we have invested in the purchase of 8.3 acres of land to build our new church home. The location is 1368 Old Cherokee Road, Lexington. To God Be The Glory!